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An artistic depiction of a metaphysical realm.

What do we know

We know that in metaphysics, meaning is not something to be made but something to be found. In finding meaning in the metaphysical worldview we try to enter the metaphysical world, a place outside of normal human perception but at the same time everpresent around us. Once you truly become one with that world, you have reached enlightenment. The journey to find meaning is not easy, nor is it short. To find meaning, metaphysicists must gain wisdom through their experiences. These experiences shape and change you ultimately leading to the self-transformation required to reach enlightenment. The focus of metaphysics is not on changing the material world but rather getting closer to the world that lies beyond, the spiritual. In this journey, we are given direction, a goal to head twoards, and as it is hierarchical, we are able to see our progress twoards this goal, but as it is hierarchical we also see less and less people at each level with true enlightenment being something most are unable to ever reach.

How do we know

We know this because the view of metaphysics is universal throughout all of human history. When any person with a metaphysical view searches for this universal truth, they are all aiming for the same goal. There is no one way to reach it; instead, it is something that you find one day after extreme dedication and faith in the universal truth's existence. Metaphysical thinkers are not all able to reach enlightenment, but they all strive for it with absolute belief in the idea that it is possible to achieve.

What is emphasized and what is negelected

When it comes to metaphysics, enlightenment is everything. In metaphysics, everything you do is for enlightenment. If you eat, it is to give you strength to keep searching for enlightenment; if you work, it is to give you the resources needed to continue your journey toward enlightenment. But this same belief causes metaphysicists to ignore the world around them. It leads to neglecting anything that doesn't result in gaining more wisdom.


From a metaphysical perspective, meaning is derived from the absolute belief in the existence of a metaphysical world beyond our own and that it is something that can be reached through commitment to the belief. As such, the world in which we live is meaningless as it focuses on lower-level thinking that stops us from interacting with the metaphysical realm. Finally, metaphysics tells us that meaning is something that depends on achieving a higher level of consciousness; it is not something that we gain or lose so much as we are able to perceive through dedication and pure will.


  • 1. The Search for Meaning: A Short History Ford, Dennis (2007)
  • 2. "Metaphysics".