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A child dressed up like a scientist.

What do we know

Science is the absolute pursuit of knowledge and the one that is most common in the modern age. As someone with a scientific worldview, all subjective qualities are secondary and unimportant. The focus is instead put on the parts of the world that are factual, able to be proven, and have an overall focus on causation. To be a scientist is not to concern yourselves with the what but the why. People with a scientific worldview have no need to know the purpose, reason, or end.

How do we know

We know this because we are able to distinguish things under this worldview into their primary and secondary qualities. For example, art is not described by how it is made but instead by the types of paint that compose it. Most importantly, it can all be proven through a thorough process of experimentation. The theories generated under the scientific worldview are all able to be repeated and observed, no matter when they were discovered in history.

What is emphasized and what is negelected

From the perspective of the scientific worldview, science is able to account for everything, but that is not true for those who follow different worldviews. Instead, science is known for asking important questions, like why. Under science, things like someone dying have only value in the fact that dying is something that happens; there is no consideration for emotions or feelings. Science can answer every question it considers factual but fails at all others.


Under the scientific worldview, meaning is found in three different ways. The first is by focusing on the world that we actively reside in and that alone. Second, by finding answers to the unknown facts of life and pursuing further knowledge. Finally, it is through the fact that any meaning that does exist is made by us and that we have absolute control over it.


  • 1. The Search for Meaning: A Short History Ford, Dennis (2007)
  • 2. "Science".