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HNRS 2020 Project

Welcome to my Honors 2020 project webpage. My site is composed of 5 different artifacts. Each of these artifacts is accompined wtih an audio recording by yours truly. You may find yourself asking why make audio recordings? Well I believe that hearing my own voice is a lot more intimate, and I personally find that there is just something about hearing a human voice that allows you to focus easier than a wall of text. These recordings all follow a similar format. I present a picture/artifact from my time spent at BGSU, I tell a story from my life relating to the artifact, and then connect this story with my worldviews. These recordings are meant to be viewed in no particular order as they are all seperate and don't really follow one specific narrative. So, I guess just listen in whatever order that you find most interesting, or for simplicity you can start at 1 and end on 5 (except for the conclusion which should be the last thing that you listen to no matter what order of course). While listening I want you to try your best to visualize these scenes as I describe them. When you are done listening to all of my recordings I want you to not just hear a fun story, but understand my motivations, my values, and the things that make me me. I don't expect you to start seeing things from my perspective, but instead I want you to sit in my passenger seat and relax while I take you for a ride.
